・Size:8ftx37ft,180 GSM,75% Blockage,protects with up to 95% UV block,Breathable,Easy to clean
・Manufactured of High Density Polyethylene which is knitted instead of woven, allowing heat and humidity to rise through fabric while reducing ambient air temperatures up to 33%
・If you want to create a comfortable shaded area, this netting will make a much cooler area for you, your family, pets, or garden..
・Specialized fabric is stain resistant and will fade.
・Allows cover to 'Breathe' reducing temperatures underneath by up to 32%
Patio Paradise Sun Shade Sail - Advanced Sun Shade Canopy ,Patio Paradise Fence Privacy Screen
This is No Edge Taping Product. Our knitted shade cloth is made from 100% UV stabilized polyethylene. Its unique lock stitch construction will not unravel. Its light weight and durability make it a superior choice for all types of shade applications. Ideal for patios, courtyards, privacy screens, dog kennels, ferneries, caravan annexes, barbeque areas, carports, aviaries, pool covers and swimming pool shading. Shade cloth coverings for indoor plant and shrub nurseries, hydroponics, vegetables, fruit and flowers. It is also suitable as a windbreak. As safety enclosures and protection around industrial sites and building construction, hail protection for car yards and glasshouses, privacy and visual landscaping for factory and office complexes. Wind sheltering for tennis courts, shading for restaurants, resorts and surrounds for bowing greens. Cattle and livestock covers. Color Guide: Black: multipurpose with greatest choice of shade values and widths. Ideal for every application. Naturally resists the sun s harmful UV radiation for years. Green:for nursery and other decorative and agricultural applications including windscreens, privacy screens, tennis courts and more.
高さ: 0.0 センチ
幅: 0.0 センチ
奥行: 0.0 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg
残り 1 点 17510.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
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お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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25690.00 円
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38590.00 円
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37090.00 円
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25640.00 円
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21610.00 円